eternal values ministries

To my dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, 
                      We have been supporting a ministry in India for almost 25 years. These are precious saints that have come out of idolatry to serve the true and living God. They help the fatherless and widows. For about the past 6 years  I have had the privilege to hold a Bible study with 12-18 pastors at STRAITGATE PREACHING SCHOOL. Evangelist Chinta trains these pastors in the preaching of the gospel. They go out in the villages open air preaching, evangelizing. Their work can be dangerous as Hindu Nationalists believe India is to be Hindu only. Brother Chinta's son Moses was dragged out of a house and beaten by 30 Hindoos.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        They continue doing the Lord's work in the midst of persecution. This is the lot of many Christians around the world. The Lord has put it on my heart to help these precious brothers and sisters. The pastors and their families are very poor and suffering for lack of food, clothing and jobs in general. They have asked me to reach out to the churches in America for help. I have made a video to raise  some support for them. Please pray for them, seek the Lord to see if you can help.  His servant, Peter                                                                         
 To donate please copy and paste in your browser :
The e-mail account of brother Chinta. You may contact them personally.   
straitgate preachingschool
   May the Lord richly bless you for supporting these pastors as they publish the gospel throughout India.