eternal values ministries

                                 THE GREAT DAY OF THE LORD IS UPON

                                         AMERICA AND THE NATIONS

Give ear unto me you inhabitants of the Land. For I will do a work in you many will not understand. My Prophets are sent forth, My Apostles await their calling. They go forth into America to destroy it. To pronounce destruction upon the inhabitants. For I will rip out the hearts of the perverse for the wickedness they have perpetrated upon the innocent, even the sons and daughters of the wicked. They are born without understanding. They have gone the way of Balaam who taught the children of Israel to marry Strange gods. This they do to bring down My wrath upon Israel and the Gentiles. To seek the Strange gods of Genderism. To pervert My children into accepting their ways.   

Now I will raise up the Prophet to give them this word: You have profaned the Holy Tabernacle of God. You sought to put a Strange god into the souls of children through your false Transgenderism. I am Holy says the LORD, you will not succeed, you will utterly fail. For I will bring upon you the Power of the North, even Vladimir Putin. He will destroy your cities, burn your people and America shall be a Desolate Wilderness.  

Cry My people, fast, pray that you may be able to escape this destruction. The children of the wicked will not be heirs with My Sons and Daughters. I have made an Everlasting Covenant with you: keep it, encourage others, fall not nor give up your Faith. For it is your faith in the God of Israel that will sustain you in these Last Days. Be of good cheer, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

Warn My people to Repent. They must give up their Idols, Covetousness of the Present Age. Only then will I hear them and cause them to prosper. For My prosperity is not in Gold, Silver, or the riches of Luxuries.The Broken and Contrite of heart will enter the Gates of the Capital: the New Jerusalem. 

I am your Husband, you are My Bride. Adorn yourselves in Humility, Love, Joy. Let the Fruit of My Holy Spirit be your Covering and you shall enter the Marriage Feast prepared from the Foundation of the World.


               Return of the Transgender gods 

           written as given me by the LORD God of the Armies of Heaven: May 3rd, 2023     

                                                                                                                                                    His servant, Peter